Nicholas Joseph Santangelo
He was stillborn March 16, 1995
full term
Nicholas its been 20 years that you left my arms but you will never leave my heart or mind. I will always love you and your brothers willnever forget you!
Freya Joyce May Wood
sleeping when born 3rd March 2015
38 weeks
We never got to hold you or see you grow up into a beautiful girl but you will always be in our hearts and loved forever.
Grace Taylor
Hydrops fetalis 8-11-2014
26 weeks pregnant
I will always love you and want you sweetie.
Allison Kylie
Miscarriage 4 March 2015
6 weeks, 5 days
I never got to meet you, but your face was already a clear picture in my mind. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a life, and I hope you can forgive me. I hope to forgive myself one day.
Missed miscarriage - heart stopped 13/03/2015
7 weeks 4days
Daddy, big brother and mummy love you so much and are very sad that we never got to meet you. I pray that you are with our Heavenly Father watching over us and grandad is
there with you looking after you. Only God knows why things happened like this and I trust God that he will strengthen and heal us through this time and make things right in our lives. R.I.P my blueberry xoxoxoxoxoxoxo from your loving familyâ¤ï¸
Ryder and Raegan
Miscarriage 12/12/14
10 weeks
I love you both, my precious, sweet twins. I miss you every day. Losing you two crushed me. I wish I would have gotten to see you, hold you and have you in my arms.
Poppie Danielle Louise Smith
Stillborn 18th April 2003
34 + 1 Gest
Love You Forever, Forget You Never....I Will Have You Back In My Arms 1 Day & Ill Never Have To Let You Go Again <3
Stopped growing 25/03/2015
5 weeks old
I never got a chance to meet you but I will always love you.- SLR
Stillborn 3-4-87
28 Weeks
👣 Till We Meet Again Sweetheart👣
Christopher Michael Ohmer
SIDS 08/07/1984
4 months old
The day I lost you part of my world was lost never to be known as long as I live. I cherish the 4 months that I had with you and thank GOD that he allowed me to have and love you for that time. Until we meet again my little angel - fly freely with your beautiful wings knowing that you are truly LOVED AND MISSED SO VERY MUCH! xoxoxoxo
Evan Jacob Berg
Born sleeping 16 09 05
39 wks 4 days
Mummy and your siblings miss you.
Little Tee
Miscarriage 02-03-2013
7 weeks and 6days
Missing you always, I'll see you soon. My heart got broken the day you left, no one can replace you. Love you always mummy xx
Twin boys
Miscarriage 15-04-2014
16 weeks
Take care of each other, just know mummy loves you. It's breaking my heart knowing my little boys aren't here with me.
Elijah Samuel Nayagam
Stillbirth 05-04-2015
40 weeks and 6 days
Our beautiful son Elijah. We love you so much and your footprints would be in your hearts forever. We know that heaven has been blessed by our gorgeous son and can't wait to cuddle you again one day. We love you today, tomorrow and forever. Always in our hearts..Mum and Dad
William morgan
Stillborn 29-10-2009
5 mths
We love you dearly xxx
Cherish morgan
heart stopped 08-06-2004
17 weeks old
fly high with your brother William Morgan and have grand daddy's arms open wide love you dearly. Xxx
Darling Angels
Miscarriage January 2004, December 2014
6 weeks, 9 weeks
First angel joined by their stillborn brother 8 years later then joined by another angel last year. Mum and Dad and your siblings that lived miss you all everyday!!!
Born Sleeping 18-04-2013
38 wks
Always in our hearts.
Faith Lynne Jordan
stillborn 7-5-1999
7 1/2 months
Mommy loves you
Ryane Dawn Dogonski
stillborn 12th feb, 2000
Mommy's Angel girl
Mark Richard Ickes
stillborn 10th March,2002
8 months
Mommy's lil angel
Hunter Matthew Allen Barber
Birth January 11 2015
We love you baby boy mommy misses you so much, wish I could hold you one more time
Kwizera Arno Trevis
Pre-eclampsia 8-03-2015
26 weeks
You will always be in our hearts sweet little boy, mum and dad love you so much!
Ava and Phoenix
Stillbirth 01/29/2015
Both before birth
Mommy and daddy love you our daughter and son. We also love all our other angel babies we lost along the way. We just wish we were able to hold you right now. We loved you all so much.
Evelyn Kayla Jimenez
In utero 15-10-2014
24 weeks
My dearest Evelyn. Mommy and daddy have a special place in our hearts for you. We miss you and love you so much. Love mommy and daddy.
Marren Bryanne Womack
Stillborn April 17 2015
30 wks
Ninny loves you , so so much..Wait for me at heavens, so I can give you that big hug I have been saving.
baby canavan
miscarriage 29/4/2015
6 weeks
My little one is now in the sky how I wish u could have stayed wish u could have meet your sister Chelsea and your daddy and me we will LV u forever your granny will look after u tell we meet again 💠xoxo
baby woodland
miscarriage 9/9/14
12 weeks
My little one I miss so dear oh how i wish u where hear my first born my star in the sky how I hated saying goodbye mummy and daddy and Lilly miss you so much xoxo
misscarge 9/9/14
3months in womb
Hi baby doll just want you to no how muc I want u here in my arms and how muc me ND your daddy miss you 😞 I really want u back with us please be a good boy/girl up there and look down on us love u loads words cant decride how muc u mean to me u got took away far 2 early please send me a wee sign to tell me your ok and ask god to look after u and ask him can he help me get through this xxxx
Ryan-Alfie Houghton
Stillborn 29/04/15
37 weeks
Of all the blessing in the world
However great or small
To have had you for a nephew
Was the greatest one of all
We will remain forever in our heart Ryan-Alfie.
Too beautiful for earth
Chloe Christine Dewey
born asleep 04/04/2015
Still born
Little Chloe, Sleep tight Little Angel in the knowledge that you will be forever in our thoughts and heart. love you so much from Nana Ju Ju XXXXX
Faith Ezzy-Wild
Stillborn 04/05/2015
so tiny, so small, so loved by all <3
Mummy misses you each and everyday i will never understand why you were taken from me and your daddy. We think of you everyday and pray that you are having fun playing up their our little Angel.
We love you to the stars and beyond <3
Baby Johnson
Miscarriage 05/03/214
8 weeks
Although we never held you in our arms, we'll hold you in our hearts forever. You are missed everyday. We love you.
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Here you are!--in some way, still. Flowing in and filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go.
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you.
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Here you are!--in some way, still. Flowing in and filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go.
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you.
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Here you are!--in some way, still. Flowing in and filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go.
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you.
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you so. And--here you are!--somehow, still. Flowing in and Filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you so. And--here you are!--somehow, still. Flowing in and Filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go
Penny&David's "Caterpillar"
Caterpillar changed/had to fly away.Why? 14 May 2015
5.5 weeks
Tiny Caterpillar, we love you so. And, but--here you are!--somehow, still. Flowing in and Filling up this hopeless heart. Oh, never, never go
Serenity gemmal
misscarried 28/12/14
8 weeks
My darling angel your mummy will alway love you and always think of you I might not get to have meet you yet but I will when it's time
misscarried 28/12/14
8 weeks
My darling angel your mummy will alway love you and always think of you I might not get to have meet you yet but I will when it's time
Hunter Darwin Lee
stillborn May 6 , 2015
Mommy loves you hunter and always will!!!
Ayden Michael Thomas
unknown January 15, 2015
13 weeks
You will always be in my heart.
Ayden Michael Thomas
miscarriage January 13, 2015
13 weeks
You will always be in my heart.
Lillian joy
Miscarriage 27 June 2013
10 weeks
Mommy and daddy love you and are looking forward to the day we will finally get to hold you
Hunter Darwin Lee
born sleeping May 6 , 2015
34 weeks
Along with the thoughts of
outfits you would wear.
So many hopes for the color
of your eyes, and rocking
you to sleep under pink and
blue skies. So much
excitement on picking out
your name, and holding
you that second the very
day you came. Baby books
and blankets, pacifiers too.
And now I'm left with
just the thought of how
Much I miss you.
Mommy loves you hunter and always will!!
Nickolaus Joshua Cooper
Sids 4-Nov-1992
3 months
I miss you still son,and think often about where,and what you would be today,I can't wait to see you again someday,love you,dad...
Misscarage 28/05/2015
We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
Rose turner
Miscarriage 31/07/14
11 weeks
Rose are beautiful girl, mummy and daddy miss you and think of you everyday your little brother or sister come up to see you today and one day I be up there to look after you both â¤ï¸
mia elise piner
born sleeping 5 6 2000
0 years
I'll love ⤠you my little angel...to the moon n back ..shine bright my little diamond. Luv mum n big brother Jed xxxxx
Mia Elise piner
Stillborn 5.6.2000
0 years
An angel in the book of life
Wrote down your baby's birth
And whispered
As he closed the book
Too beautiful for this earth.
Mia was just too precious for this world.
Sleep tight baby girl.
Thinking of my Aunt Lorayne & cousin today. X x x
bradley 'LJ' white
heart stopped 09-28-2014
13 weeks
If love alone could have saved you, younever would have died. Mommy misses you .
bradley 'LJ' white
heart stopped 09-28-2014
13 weeks
If love alone could have saved you, younever would have died. Mommy misses you .
mia elise piner
stillborn 5 6 00
full term
Would of loved to of had you here in our life's...I know your mum misses you so much..shine bright little star 🌟...love ty
Stella Elizabeth Christian
She Was Hit and Killed Instantly June 15, 2014
16 Months Old
Elijah Roy Kelly
Miscarriage 10-26-15
9 weeks
You are Mommy's little angel! I love you so much more than you will ever know! You protect me everyday and have shown me what love is! You are never forgotten! You are my angel baby :)
Baby Taylor
Miscarriage 24-05-2015
7 wks 6 days
We were so excited when found out you'd be a brother or sister to Daniel. I saw your heartbeat and 6 wks 2 days then you were cruelly taken away. You are now with the angels until I hold you in my arms again. Sleep tight angel baby mummy & daddy love you x
Jason Marshall Burton
placental abbrussion 18/6/98
22 months gestation
Seventeen years ago we lost you , We love and miss you still , We hope your with your brothers /sisters . Cleo went to be with you to give you hugs from us. We will love you forever , Until we can all be together sleep tight our dear son xxx Mom & Dad .
Jason Marshall Burton
stillborn 18/ 6/ 98
22 months gestation
Seventeen years ago you left us , We still love and miss you still , We hope your with your brothers / sisters having losts of fun , Cleo went to be with you to give you hugs from us , Sleep tight dear son , Until we can all be together again. Xxx Mum & Dad
Jason Marshall Burton
stillborn 18/6/98
22 months
Years ago you left us , We love and miss you still . We hope your having fun up in heaven with your brothers / sisters. Cleo went to be with you and give you hugs from us. Sleep tight our dear son until we can all be together again. Xxx Mum & Dad.
Jason Marshall Burton
stillborn 18/ 6/ 98
22 weeks
Years ago you left us , We love and miss you still . Until the day we meet again , you'll be forever in our hearts .
Sleep tight dear son xxx Mum & Dad
Baby Taylor
Miscarriage heart stopped beating 24-05-2015
7 wks 6 days
Little baby you were going to be a much wished for brother or sister for Daniel. We were devasted to find your heart had stopped beating. To never be able to hold you or kiss you is the worst pain in the world. Sending angel kisses to you in heaven from mummy & daddy x
Elijah Roy Kelly
Miscarriage 9-26-14
9 weeks
I love you so much! You have shown me what true love is :) Tou are nerve forgotten! You Elijah are my angel! Mommy loves you!!!
Elijah Roy Kelly
Miscarriage 10-26-14
9 weeks
Mommy loves you so much! You are my angel baby :) You have shown me what true love is and you protect me everyday!! You are never forgotten! You are my angel!
Baby Rainey
Miscarriage 19th June 2015
Forever in our hearts you will stay
Until we meet again
Elijah Roy Kelly
Miscarriage 10-12-14
9 weeks
You are the light of my life
You are my love
You are my soul
You are my happiness
You are my heaven
You are my everything
You are never forgotten
Mommy loves you so much! Thank you for showing me what true love is and always protecting me :) You are never forgotten my angel baby! Love you, Elijah!!!
miscarriage 10-6-2015
7 weeks
Mommy and Daddy loved you so much even though i never got to see you. your always in my heart.
Leven Spencer
Stillborn 28.07.2000
22 weeks
Thinking of you always my precious baby boy. Love mummy x
Angel Skye Bechtel Wagler
chromosomal abnormalities in pregnancy 01/31/2015
8 week fetus
Baby Welsh
Heart stopped 13-7-15
10 weeks
I can't come to terms with the fact that I won't ever get to hold you. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. I'm so so sorry my darling. I won't ever forget you xo
Baby Jackson
Miscarriage 14-07-15
6 weeks
Though you were with us by knowledge of less than a week,
we still have no words to speak.
The love we grew for you in a few days, you are in our hearts and minds ALWAYS. I know you will be watching over your brother and sister. We love you so much, see you again one day our little love child.
First baby
Miscarriage 29-6-15
6 weeks
Mummy and daddy were so excited to meet you...You will always be our first
shelbie-Liegh McDonald
Born asleep 12-06-1998
2 minutes
When your feeling sad look around and you'll see I'm with you I'm the one who filled your heart with love
Ava Cook
stillborn 03-06-2009
21 weeks 5 days
I will carry you with me until we meet again, baby girl
Isabella Faith Cook
osteogenisis imperfecta 07-10-2010
18 days
I love you my rainbow baby. You are always with me my lovebug.
My sweet baby grape
Miscarriage June 27 2015
9 weeks
I miss taking care of you and feeling your growth..you are always on my mind. Never too early to love.
Miscarriage July 10, 2015
12 weeks
Only God Knows Why! We Miss You... Always And Forever.♡
Tristan Franklin Potter
Miscarriage 16/07/15
14 weeks 6 days
Mommy and daddy love you so much, little man. We miss you and think about you every day. Play with your grandpa, and aunt. We will see you again, our little monkey.
emmalynn dean or lucas wayne
was never really told 25-june-2015
8 weeks and a day
I wish mommy could of held you...I wish I had told you more how much she loved you... I pray I get to hold you in heaven angel
emmalynn dean or lucas wayne
miscarriage...never told why 25-june-2015
8 weeks and a day
Mommy loves you
I wish I had gotten to hold you...told you how much I love you more than I did...I wish I could of protected you.
Miscarriage 15-7-2015
10 weeks
We only knew you existed for 6 weeks, but you taught us so much. I know great aunt Dorothy is looking after you now. I'll see you again some day.
Love, Mom
Freya ellanior griffin
Missed miscarriage July 27, 2015
24 weeks 5 days
Mommy and daddy love you so much you are truly our angel. Thank you for letting me be your mom for those precious moments.
Dylan Cadogan
Missed Miscarriage at 12 week Scan 6-07-2015
8 weeks 9days
Fly high our beautiful angel, you will be safe with baby Addison (ectopic Dec 2014) Until we meet again.
Lots of love kisses and cuddles from Mummy, Daddy and big brother Elijah xoxoxo
Ryan Max John Davis
Missed Miscarriage 25-06-2015
11 Weeks
Loved more than word can say.
Violet Fuller
Passed away in the womb 8-6-15
I'm writing you a letter
This is to my unborn child we
Want to let you know We love you
If you didn't know We feel this way
Cause We think about you every day
When we meet in heaven there be much so much to say so keep are spots open tell granpa and grt grandma we said hey, love forever and always.......... mom dad and your big brother jason 8-6-15
Cameron Pickering
Miscarriage 18-Dec-15
6 weeks
Momma will remember you always.
Camden Pickering
Ectopic pregnancy 28-April-15
6 weeks
Momma will remember you forever.
Cameron Pickering
Miscarriage 18-Dec-14
6 weeks
Momma will remember you always.
Cameron Pickering
Miscarriage 18-Dec-14
6 weeks
Momma will remember you always.
death in utero 28-05-2015
9 weeks
I love you so very much. I never really had you and then you were taken away. I talk to you every day. You have changed my life in ways you'll never know. I love you my little angel.
Sophie-Rose Kitchin
Born sleeping 21st August 2013
24 weeks
To our beautiful granddaughter, in our hearts forever, love you so much!!! Xxxx
Dylan Anthony Alvarez
Died in Womb due to accident 08/2015
Mom and Dad wanted to have you and hold you so badly. We love you and miss you so much. You will always be in our hearts.
Baby Camacho Saldana
Miscarriage March 18
12 Weeks
We love and miss you our precious child you are truly missed i will never forget you my baby. I promise to see you at heavens gate. Love Mommy
Baby Rory nawabi
Miscarriage 19-aug-2015
6 weeks
just a few weeks is all I had with you
It only took a few weeks to completely love you
Now that you're gone it will take a few 1000 weeks to stop my heart from breaking
Michael Joseph Dickson Jr.
His heart quite after my car accident. September 1,2003
12 weeks
Until We meet again my sweet angel! Your Daddy & Mom Loves you so much! Come visit me in my dreams baby!
M.J.Dickson Jr.
His heart quite after my car accident. September 1,2003
12 weeks
Until We meet again my sweet angel! Your Daddy & Mom Loves you so much! Come visit me in my dreams baby!
Payson Skye
Miscarriage 11-07-2015
10 weeks
Mommy and daddy love you so much sweet pea! We think of you everyday we miss you terribly!
Pixie bonnie Monks
Missed miscarriage 21.08.15
8 weeks
We always new you was our little girl.. We miss you everyday. You will always be my first baby. Now your an angel, we love you more than words. Love mummy and daddy.
Angel Lambert
she died when i was 18 weeks and 5days 11/08/2015
My precious little girl you were a miracle and then you were taken from us you will always be in our hearts and life miss you so much
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