the LOST ones


Edwards Story

One night, my daughter Shannon was downstairs holding him, will I put my son Jacob to bed. When I came downstairs,my son Jay expressed that Eddie looked pale but had real blotchy skin. I thought he was alergic to something like the dog,so I gave him medicine for allergies.The next morning Eddie wasnt red but had purple areas all over his skin. I very quicky yelled for
Shannon and Jay to get in the car. My husband was at a soccer game with my younger son. I drove him to the nearest emergency room. He was crying for us to hold him. Sadly we couldnt. They then took him up to the PICU and 38 hours
later he couldnt take it anymore and his little heart gave out!

Just before our little Eddie died we had a priest come in and give him the blessing(Anointing of the Sick.) It was the worst day of our lives. The next day we had to go to the funeral home,and then had to start making arrangements for the funeral mass, burial, picking out a casket, and lots of other stuff. I made a mistake on! the candle I said 4 months but meant almost 4 years. God blessed our family because I am now 6 months pregnant with a girl. I am due in March the same month Edward died. So we will have a little baby to help us go thru this sad time. I wish Eddie could be here at Christmas.He is spending Christmas with Jesus this year. Help raise awarness about Meningitis which claimed my sons life. I will see him again someday but he will be always loved and never forgotten.

By Unknown

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