The LOST Ones

Autopsy results - finally!! some answers
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Author:  Dragonfly [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Autopsy results - finally!! some answers

Finally got the email from my specialist in France last night at 11.30pm. He'd just got back from his holiday and found the report the hospital had sent him. Apparently it was dictated on 28 June and typed on 17 July (so a whole 11 months after she was sent to the hosp).. He totally deplores the lateness of it all, and from the sounds of it, my 'case' wasn't the only one that took that long. He referred to Chloé as my 'foetus' and my instant reaction was "she is not my foetus, she is my daughter!!"

Anyways. He emailed me the conclusion and it's all in big medical terms (in French). Rang my mum and left a message. She's ringing me back. Fwd the email to my mum, my dad and my sister who's a doctor and really helped me last year (she spent the weekend after the scan with me).

Of course I couldn't sleep after reading the conclusion.. Then I went to bed and bubs was moving really weird and I got all sorts of horrible visions in my head..

Conclusion:" Les différents examens que nous avons réalisés retrouvent un foetus de sexe féminin présentant une discordance staturo pondérale, des éléments de dysmorphie crânio faciale, une myéloméningocèle lombosacrée ainsi qu'un retard de certains points d'ossification nécessitant une consultation de génétique"

Basically, they found the size/weight ratio wasn't right, there was something wrong with her skull/face, the spina bifida and some bits that didn't grow bone properly (or something) and they recommend a consult with a geneticist.

You can imagine how well that recommendation sits, 8 weeks before having a baby, and a whole year on... :roll: :evil:

So there, some answers.. just in time for her birthday.
I want to shout at someone but there's no one to shout at. :(

Author:  Julia's Mum [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

hun you know that you can shout and yell and scream at us if you need to. we are all here for you.

I cant believe how long it has taken for you to get the answers that you need, that is a shocker!!!

Now correct me if I'm wrong but you've had the anatomy scan with Aidan and everything was cool there wasn't it??
lets hope that your sis can shed some more light on this when she gets back to you, remember we are all here for you if you need us
Huge hugs hun

Author:  Dragonfly [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I need to email the OB the school's fax number (he wants to fax it to me, something about confidentiality.. cos yeah, I'm sure ppl are going to rush to read that report, in blimmin FRENCH!! ).. :roll: .

And yes, the scans for Aidan were perfect. I'm not worried. It's just that it was a shock reading that recommendation.. I feel like I should follow up on it, but who and where and in what language...

Author:  Dragonfly [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Feel like I should ask him some questions.. It's hard to do it in French though, because, you know, I've been talking about it more in English than in French and can't quite find my words.

Author:  Julia's Mum [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Lauriel if you feel that you have more questions than answers at the moment then ask those questions, if anything if will put your mind at ease. I'm sure that your sister will be able to help with the translation of the words to French if you ask her.
There is nothing worse than getting the results and still having niggling worries and questions still remaining.

Author:  Lisa [ Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hugs to start sweet.
I have heaps I want to say but best let my mind think for a while on the best way to word it (not mean I promise)
Will try on this tomorrow.xxxooo

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