The LOST Ones

Crazy Cycle
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Author:  nicoles mom [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Crazy Cycle

I have had my cycle once since I lost Nicole in May. It took 10 weeks to get af and now by bbt says that o'd on day 27 of this cycle! What is going on? Has anyone else had this sort of crazy cycle?


Author:  TrinityClair [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:42 am ]
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Hi Jen,
Like I said the other day, it is possible to have a late O, I think thats what happened to me last month, which was my 1st full cycle after we lost Trinity, either that or I didn't O at all. Do you want to send me your fertilty friend web address so I can have a look perhaps. I can't say I can answer you question but I might be able to give a different perspective. see u online this avo.

Author:  *lynne* [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:51 pm ]
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Hi , My cycle days were all over the show and i think they are still there. they went CD28, CD37, CD33 and last one CD31. So I am hoing mine this month will be around normal!!! Weather you lose a loved by m/c or still born I think each pregnancy can throw your cycles around. They either can stay at that different Cd length or like mine (hopefully) jus taking awhile to regain normality.
Lots of luck for you

Author:  Liam'sMum [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:36 pm ]
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I've been having a squizzy through all the threads to try and get an idea as to what is a normal amount of time after giving birth that you should get your AF and wondered if anyone has some ideas?

I had Liam on 24th Jan, bleed for about 3 weeks and expressed milk for around 14 days (before finding it too emotionally draining). It's been 2 months now since he was born and AF hasn't returned, although I have had a little bit of spotting following some TTC practice!! and had some little niggles like you get when ovulating early in the month.

Author:  TrinityClair [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:50 pm ]
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Firstly, wow, I'm suprised that you managed to express for that long. Excuse me if this sounds daft, but were you donating your expressed milk after Liam passed or was it to relieve the pressure (or another reason), you totally don't have to answer if you don't want to? because Trinity had passed away before she was born there was no reason for me to express, so I was given some drugs to stop my milk coming in. Since you were expressing I'm not sure if that will have a difference to AF.
With all 3 of my kids I bled for around 4-6 weeks then got my af not long after. With Gabe I think I bled for about 3 weeks and then got af 6 weeks after he was born. After the girls af came back and was pretty much regular give or take a few days, but with Gabe it's been all over the show, so who knows. I would say the spotting after BD (baby dance :wink: ) would be due to everything not being quite as it was and still tender and probably not quite healed (just guessing).
If you really wanted to you can try the charting thing, it might give you a better idea of when/if you are ovulating even if af hasn't returned yet (or have we already covered the whole charting thing?).
Sorry, I'm probably rambling, I'm a little distracted.....

Author:  Liam'sMum [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:43 pm ]
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Hey Manda
I was expressing because for quite some time we didn't know how bad Liam's condition was so was encouraged to do it. He so sedated, the Doctors needed to see what he would do after the sedation was out of his system. Once that happened and we found that he was completely unresponsive, this confirmed what the EEG and MRI was telling us - that he was profoundly sick due to a huge amount of brain damage. Once we knew what we were facing (around Day 12), the whole expressing thing really got to me and I gradually cut it down.

I have started with the charting thing but haven't gone as far as taking my temperature. So far the signs I am recoging just show how all over the place things are. It will hopefully settle down before long, but I think you are right, it is probably just my body still trying to recover. :huh:

Author:  Liam'sMum [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:13 am ]
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Well AF has finally decided to show itself since I had Liam - about time, now I can at least get a good idea where I am at with my cycle! Got it in the middle of my vomitting bug :sick: - so have been feeling extremely crappy and just want to crawl into bed and sleep!

DH was most happy when I told him to make sure he has lots of energy in about 12-14 days time!! :cheese:

Author:  Satori Star [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:04 pm ]
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Good Luck with the TTCing Tanya :)
Oh and I hope you all get over your bug soon.


Author:  ~*Telly*~ [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:21 pm ]
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not that this is much help to you - but I have not had a regular cycle since I started getting periods at 14, and thats been a long time!

My cycle can vary between 26 and the longest being about 50 something. One is now at CD36 and wondering if something else is going on....

But yeah, I was told that pregnancy would regulate my periods, what a load that was, three pregnancies later and its worse than ever. I so also have something up with my pituitary gland (I think its the one that helps with milk production or something - correct me if I am wrong) but I haven't had that checked for about ah - five years

Good luck for the TTC hun

Author:  Liam'sMum [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:45 pm ]
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OMG - I can't imagine having a cycle around 50 .... I would always be wondering if I was PG?? ... it would do my head in. I've always been pretty regular, so hopefully that will be the same this time.

I'm just inpatient now, I just so want to be PG again!!! However, with Caitlyn being IVF and Liam being natural after not intentionally trying (although we weren't doing anything to stop getting PG), who knows what will happen this time.

Author:  ~*Telly*~ [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:06 pm ]
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well i've only had one around that mark - but generally is about 33-35 days but even that does my head in

Author:  Lisa [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:07 pm ]
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If it helps any Eden was born on the 30th of August and passed away the next day, I never had a period and hello 9 weeks later got pregnant with Laine. When Laine passed away in the October It was the January before I got it again and it was all over the place. Would have it for two days, then have a week with nothing then 4 days on and two weeks off type thing. Got pg in the April with Cort. He was born in the September and I got it even with the expressing for him when he was about 6 weeks old and have no t had it again cause of chemo. And may never get it again (in my case I am hoping that is how it happens anyway)

Author:  Liam'sMum [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Lisa. AF thankfully turned up Thursday week ago, so now I'm onto the count down to ovulation .... which all things going well should be in a couple of days time! I've told DH to save his energy!! :cheese: :cheese:

Author:  ~*Telly*~ [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 


good luck!

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