Birth Story of Shawna Amelia Henderson
9th December 11.00am - Routine Antenatal Appointment - I meet my midwife to discuss what is going to happen with my induction on the 17th December. We discuss a few things, and then I pee on the stick, it shows protein, we check my blood pressure and its up, not to a dangerous level, but still its up there. My midwife puts me on the monitor and I relax on the bed listening to the heart beat and reading a book (I learned the lesson of always taking a book with me!). While I am doing this, MW is off speaking with the Specialists.
12.00pm - MW comes back in and tells me that I given my previous history with pre eclampsia and the way my bloods, urine and blood pressure are, I am being induced today. My first thoughts are “Shit I haven’t done my Christmas shopping”
! I then realise the seriousness of the situation and have a major freak out.
1.00pm - I am officially admitted into hospital and given a name tag bracelet and told not to travel too far from my bed.
2.00pm - I am told that they will insert a tape behind my cervix at 4.00pm to soften it up, apparently it is “not favourable”. This will take approx 12 hours to work, then another will be inserted to bring me into labour. Baby should be here in about 48 hours.
4.00pm - I am getting very anxious, every time someone comes into the room, my heart starts pounding.
4.15pm - One of the hospital Mws pops in to check my blood pressure again. I ask her when the Doc is coming to insert the tape, I am getting too anxious. She tells me that everyone is at a baby shower for a staff member and they will come and see me after that!!!
5.00pm - A whole team of people come in!! Up go the legs, in goes the tape - NOT NICE!
7.00pm - I feel like I have to poo, really badly, I go to the loo, nothing.
8.00pm - 11.00pm - Still need to poo, nothing.
12.00am - I am having cramps, need to poo and feel like I am having contractions. I push the buzzer, a MW comes in, I tell her I think I am having contractions and I need to poo but can’t, she tells me I am not having contractions and its just my cervix softening, its going to be a long few days and constipation is a side effect of the induction - Oh great.
4.00am - I am so sore I can’t sleep, I buzz again and get the same MW, I tell her I am sure they are contractions, she hooks me up to a monitor and tells me to go back to sleep. Yeah right! No contractions show up on monitor.
5.00am - I get up and try and poo again, yay I did it
! Feeling a bit better I hop back into bed. I feel something go “pop” inside - Hmmmm, I get back out of bed and whoops there is a gush, actually more of a torrent of fluid running down my legs. I buzz again. Same MW comes in and say “Oh your waters have broken (Duh really?) just try and go back to sleep (WTF?).
5.10am - OUCH - no way am I getting back to sleep - I buzz again, I am taken over to the delivery suite so I can walk around.
5.15am - Here is where I lose time. It hurts, I throw up, they hook my up to monitors, I think about texting DH but that’s as far as I got.
6.00am - I call DH and tell him to come see me before he goes to work, I need a hug, apparently its going to be a long process and I will update him when he comes.
6.30am - I call DH and tell him to “get the F*&(“ here now!!”
6.45am - I am given an internal - told that things have progressed faster than thought and I am dilated 3cms. Baby’s heartbeat drops off the monitor. I freak out, they go in with a butterfly clip and put it on top of baby’s head, still not heart beat, I bawl and scream and hyperventilate “I can’t lose her too, I can’t” I am so scared, there is no one in the room I know.
6.50am - My MW arrives and manages to calm me, she tells me there is a heart beat and something had gone wrong on the machine. I ask for an epidural , I am given the gas.
7.00am - DH arrives to me screaming - He hold the gas tube in my mouth while another internal is done - I ask for an epidural again, the MW says there isn’t time, I am 10cms dilated now (WTF???).
7.10am - Shawna Amelia Henderson arrives with the help of forceps and is placed on my chest for quick cuddles. Not much cuddling is done - I am too busy bawling my eyes out. She is then whipped off to get some oxygen while I am being stitched up - this I don’t feel but suck on the gas anyway
7.20am - Shawna is off up to NICU, DH goes with her while I get cleaned up.
8.00am - DH wheels me up to NICU - we sit there and stare in awe at this beautiful little girl. My emotions are all over the show at this point. The first thing I do is tell Shawna about her big sister Georgia and how she will look out for her always.