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Baby Beanie
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:31 am Posts: 138 Location: Manukau City
 Meet Lochlan Turner
Hi guyz,
I am happy to announce the safe natural arrival of my little man, I am so in love with Lochlan Turner (middle name still to be decided) Loche was born at 5.52am Sunday morning (29 March 09) 8 pound 3. I awoke at 1.30am choking on vomit (sorry to share the details) only to find at 2.15am I was unable to get off the toilet with a bad tummy.... only then to find 2.30, I had my first contraction... 3 at 15 mins apart, then while still on the toilet I lost my plug, a few mintues later the water blaster exploded.... thank god still on the toilet.... then 3 mins apart lasting 45 secs.. Lochie wanted out and quick. I told dyl to ring the midwife.. "tell her they r 3 mins apart" he replies but they should be 5 mins lasting 1 min each. " DERRR I said past that, that never happened.... too funny, so text book.
20 mins to the hospital, arrived about 3.30am mw arrived about 10 mins after me, 9cm dialated at this stage... sucked on gas for 20-30 mins then could not have anymore coz I was not pushing right... the rest is a bit of a blurr...
All I know is that yes I was stitched from a to b, but soooooo worth it... my little dude is just my absolute world and I would not change a thing. Everything else is just not important... I am soooooo in love!!!!
So I really want to say thank you for your thoughts, I saw a few of you wondering what I was up to... He is safe and we are well... he is great he just sleeps, I struggle to wake him to feed, mind you I am still struggling with the breast feeding thing, but practise makes perfect.. had it perfect for 3 days until the boobs got bigger... but never mind. I will get some more pics on site when I am able to get around and about easier to download them....
Thanks ladies
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_________________ Baby Beanie, I feel you with me in spirit everyday. We love you and miss you.
Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:21 pm |
Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:03 pm Posts: 528 Location: Christchurch
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Hello little man and congratulations to you sweetie!! He is such a cutie pie .... can't wait for more pics!
Take care ...... Taylor awake now so gotta run
_________________ Tanya

Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:57 pm |
Joined: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:41 pm Posts: 63 Location: Wellington
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Congrats Sara he is gorgeous, wow very quick labour. Well done 
Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:03 pm |
Julia's Mum
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:08 pm Posts: 1708 Location: Rotorua
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Oh Sara, he is a cutie pie!!! WOW to the quick labour, but sooo glad that he is here safe and sound. Am totally with you on the  side. Congrats Hun and cant wait to read more about Loche.

Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:50 pm |
Site Admin
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:01 pm Posts: 1689 Location: Auckland
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Wohoo, congrats hun and well done, sounds like he was in a hurry to arrive. OOOhhh memories about the breastfeeding, it does get harder when the boobies swell, keep with it, you'll get the hang of it 
_________________ MANDA


Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:07 am |
Baby Beanie
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:31 am Posts: 138 Location: Manukau City
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Thanks everyone... I found the breastfeeding easy until the boobies got harder, now just waiting for them to go down a little like the mw has promised.... talk about loose the confidence when you gained it... I just cannot comprehend how in love you can be with someone... he is just everything... everything to me and my hubby.. The first night in birthcare, by the way anyone in Auckland, highly recommend it... they are just awesome up there, I just did not take my eyes off him, my precious cargo. Feeling a little under the weather today as hubby has had a really bad cold for about a week now, now I have it, so poohs to that. LOVE BEING A MUM!!!! Beanie is taking good care of us!!!
_________________ Baby Beanie, I feel you with me in spirit everyday. We love you and miss you.
Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:28 am |
GG's Mum
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:04 pm Posts: 740 Location: Dunedin
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
 He is beautiful!! I know what you mean about being so in love and it just gets better!!
_________________ Tracey

Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:08 pm |
Satori Star
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:50 pm Posts: 708 Location: Auckland
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Congrats Sara and DH - What a honey Loche is It sounds like you had a fairly quick labour and delivery, and I so understand about the instant love  you have for your babies I'm glad you got to enjoy birthcare - several of my friends have spent a few days there after their births. I haven't made it their yet, due to having c-sections and Gestational Diabetes, I end up in the maternal medical ward - which was the nice new part of Auckland Hospital, in own room, which was kind of nice - apart from the food of course I am delivering at Auckland Hospital again this time, so same should happen, as I have GD again  Although well managed this time. Sara, enjoy these early days when bubba is sooo small, as they grow like mushrooms and before you know it, they are 1  I would love to catch up with you, and look forward to your updates. Once again I am soooo happy to hear you fabulous news on Loche's arrival 
_________________ Yvonne

Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:13 am |
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:06 pm Posts: 1455 Location: Auckland
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Congratulations - how gorgeous is he!!! Well done love!
 ~*Mummy to now SIX angels ~ I miss you my babies ~
Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:49 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:18 am Posts: 449
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Sooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:10 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 79 Location: Wellington
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Congrats! He is a wee honey. 
_________________ DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008
Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:24 am |
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:59 am Posts: 118
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
He is delectable!!! mmm I just wanna grab those cheeks through the computer!!!!
Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:24 pm |
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:39 pm Posts: 771 Location: dunedin
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Aww he is adorable....well done mummy! Loves to all Go Beanie for looking after you all so well
Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:56 pm |
GG's Mum
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:04 pm Posts: 740 Location: Dunedin
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
How are you doing Sara??
_________________ Tracey

Fri May 29, 2009 8:25 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Sorry I missed this, congratulations on wee Lachlan, he is just gorgeous!! 
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Fri May 29, 2009 10:17 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:10 pm Posts: 224
 Re: Meet Lochlan Turner
Hope your doing well, your wee boy is sooo lovely 
Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:00 pm |