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 Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates 
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Post Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Hi All

Well update from me.

I have just been for my NT scan - not all good news I'm afraid. It seems that this pregnancy was in fact a twin pg, however one stopped growing at around 7wks. :sad: The sac and 13mm embryo are still there, and will probably just disappear at some stage. It is very strange that it was not picked up at my 7wk or 9.5wk scan, but then they were free ones at horizon so I don't suppose they put as much effort into these things :rolleyes: I'm still not sure how I feel - just sad :sad:

The live baby that I am carrying is doing well although I did have a high risk reading for Down Syndrome at 1:232. 1:300 would be low risk and the age risk at 39yrs old is 1:91 - so not looking too flash, however my specialist doesn't want me to freak about it until I have had MSS bloods done which could bring the risk right down - easier said than done!!! If MSS results are high risk then I will probably have a week to have amnio - which I really do not want. My specialist says he has seen people at 1:50 who have had babies without DS.

All very stressful stuff!!!!

I have since spoken to my Diabetes MW and she doesn't really think 1:232 is that bad - I guess time will tell :(





Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:08 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
so sorry to hear of the loss of your wee twin baby :( im a bit lost for words but im
thinking of you :bighug:


Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:37 pm

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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Yvonne, I’ m so sorry that you lost your twin baby. Good luck with all of your tests. Thinking of you during what must be a very emotional and stressful time. Angela.

DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008


Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:14 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Oh Yvonne huge hugs hun on the loss of your precious wee twin and the news about the possible Downs. But like you said it is best to wait for the test results to come in and think about where to go from there.
Am thinking of you while you wait for your news.
Love and Hugs Carley


Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:47 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Hey there sweetie. So sorry to hear about the loss of your wee twin. That must have been quite a shock to you! It is very sad. :blue: :blue: :blue:
As the others have said, try not to worry about the possibility of DS. Wait and see what the further tests reveal and keep positive. We are here for you and sending you a huge cyber hug. :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:



Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
yvonne....I just wanted to let you know that all of my triple screen labs were positive for down's syndrome with all 4 of my children. NONE of my kids have downs. In fact my little girl Lilliana that I had back in November came back 1 in 40. My specialist says for some reason my placenta gives off way too much HCG and it causes abnormal results. Please don't stress over the downs thing. Your reading is much higher than any of mine. With my daughter Alyssa, I was 27 when I had her and my reading was 1 in 230. With my son tyler I was 29 and his reading was 1in 190. With my son Brady, I was 31 when I had him and it was 1 in 94 and then like I said with my daughter Lilly who I just had it was 1 in 40.

Those tests are just screenings and give off a lot of false positives. I refused the amnio that was offered to me at those times because I was told I had a higher chance for a miscarriage after the amnio, then for the baby actually haveing downs. Like I said none of my kids have downs (not even my son that was stillborn....he had amniotic band syndrome).

Hope this helps ease the tension alitlle



Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:52 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Yvonne I don't quite know what to say either! I'm sorry your wee twinny didn't survive, and that your test results are worrying. :? I too have a friend (of a friend) who had a very very high risk reading for Downs. She spent the next few months devastated, then baby came out totally fine- it was a false reading. They get it wrong so often, so don't lose all hope. I'm sure your sweet bubba will be wonderful no matter what. :)

Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:06 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
:bighug: Big hugs Yvonne, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Just wanted to let you know that we had a very high chance of GG having a chromosome deficiancy, I can't remember what it was sorry, I know it wasn't DS. Anyway, we had a amnio and it came back that she was a perfectly healthy wee girl. Strangly enough the amnio never picked up that the placenta was failing. Please try not to worry about DS too much, easier said than done I know, I am sure your wee one will be fine, and besides DS is manageable, people with this condition are so loving and happy most of the time, a neighbour of mine worked in a home once with teenage DS boys, she had so much fun with them!



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Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:26 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Wow Yvonne you must be in such shock. I cant believe they didnt pick that up a bit earlier :roll: Im really sorry that wont make it. But Im also really happy that the other ones doing really well, thats great. And about the Downs syndrome thing, I have a serious feeling that your babys going to be just fine :D (my mum was told she had a high chance of me having it when I was born, even when she first saw me she thought I had it! But im fine really.) Hope youre looking after yourself and staying positive

Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Thanks for all of your support guys - its nice to know you are all here :)

I was probably in a slightly shocked state yesterday after the scan, however today I have decided what will be will be. Hopefully the Maternal Serum Screening bloods will bring my risk right down :fingersx: There is probably not alot of use in stressing about it until the results are in.

It is really sad about my lost twin, however I have to carry on for the living baby, and to be honest I don't do that well with singleton pregnancy, so having a twin pregnancy probably would not have gone two well for any of us. Just trying to find a positive state of mind a the moment :oops:

Thanks again ladies, and I hope you are all well.





Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:57 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Oh Yvonne, I am so sorry, so good you are trying to put a positive spin on it, still, must've been a huge shock since you only thought you were carrying one to start with.
I know you will be so worried about the DS, but like the others have said, try not to tie yourself in knots about it, it will probably be clear. When do you have the bloods done?


Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:09 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: Yvonne, sorry to hear about the twin bubba. I'm sure all will be fine too with your wee one, hard not to worry I know. :bighug:

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Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:29 pm

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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Just wanted to give you big hugs and to let you know that i was thinking about you :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:22 am

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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates

Sorry to hear about the loss of your twin... All will be fine with the other wee one, I am sure, remain positive, friends of our went thru the same thing but their wee boy was born absolutely fine. My thoughts are with you. Big hugs, take good care.

Baby Beanie, I feel you with me in spirit everyday. We love you and miss you.

Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:50 pm

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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
So sorry to hear about the wee angel :( im sorry i honestly dont know what to say about the test results on other bub. But my thoughts are with you :)


Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:01 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Thinking of you Yvonne, how are you this week?

Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:19 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Oh Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear about your wee angel.
Good on you for trying not to stress too much about the test results.
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

my angel Chloé
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Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:06 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Hi Yvonne

How are you doing??

we havn't had an update for a while, I hope everthing is going smoothly.

Have you got any belly pics?

Luv Ally

Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Hi Ally, and everybody else of course.

Thankyou for all of your well wishes and notes of support. I had my MSS blood test done yesterday (has to be done 15wks - 18wks), and rang for the results today however they won't be available until Thursday, so i will let you all know how they look on Thursday Night. I also have an appt with my specialist on Thursday am, so hoping to get a looksie at bubs.

I'm sorry I haven't been on the site much, but there hasn't been alot to add and I haven't been in the right head space really :?

No Belly shots yet Ally, but I can tell you that I look about 6mths pregnant - its like my tummy muscles have just given up!!! (Probably have after 2 c-sections!) I will organise a pic, but have to warn you it ain't pretty. :oops:

Although I look more pg than I am, I have actually lost weight (go figure!) about 2KGS. I have been under diabetic clinic from about 10 weeks, just dieting and testing my blood before and after meals, to see what my sugars are doing. My results have been ok although my fasting blood sugar has been slightly higher than ideal so i have just started on some insulin at night :(
It sounds horrid, but worthwhile doing, as my body has the ability to mask results from GTT's, and say everythings fine when in fact my sugars are spiralling out of control :shock: This way things get picked up as they are happening. Oh also heard the heartbeat again, last week when I went to the clinic :) Hanging out to hear it again on thursday! I might have to purchase a doppler so I can tune in whenever I feel the need at home. Does anybody have any idea on what type is the best or most effective?

Well thats about it for me - just waiting, waiting, waiting!

I hope you are all well and happy. :)

Take Care





Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:43 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Oh flip, I just wrote a big reply and lost it, i seem to do that all the time, so frustrating, and the kids are getting grumpy with me so can't be naffed re writing it but, we got one of these: ... 814969.htm and it was great, it broke right at the end of my pg, but was well worth the money for the peace of mine it gave us, I carried it everywhere with me.


Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:27 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Great to see your update Yvonne - I have been wondering how you are doing and thinking about you lots.

Looking forward to further updates.

Take care



Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:51 am
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Thanks Tanya - I've been thinking about you too - not long to go for you now :) And Lan, any day for you - can't wait to hear your news :)

Well, i had a spec appt this morning - saw bubs and heard heartbeat, which was great, but he did not have my results for MSS - it seems they are done in batches, so you just have to wait :roll:

He finally text me about half an hour ago and told me that the results were 1:100.000, which are quite unbelievable however he did double check the results with the lab, and they apparently are correct, so based on those there is no need for amnio :phew: and a very little chance of the baby having downs :) I must say it is a relief to get some good news :)

The diabetes thing is going ok, although since starting nighttime insulin, i am now having very low blood sugars in the morning, so a bit more tweaking is probably necessary on that front, but it does change a wee bit through different gestations.

Next scan in 3.5 weeks - the anatomy scan - so thats something to look forward to. :)

I hope you are all well, and I will do a belly shot soon.

Take Care





Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:45 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Thats great news about the test results, hope they sort out ur insulin soon


Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:06 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
:excited: that is awesome news about the test results Yvonne!!!


Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Yvonne's Pregnancy Updates
Thats a relief. So glad everythings going ok.

Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:14 pm
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