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Jessie78's pregnancy updates
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Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Well I'm a bit slack for only starting this at 27 weeks LOL, but better late than never! In a nutshell - I have the Factor V Leiden gene which makes my blood clot too much, and a bicornuate uterus which can cause premature labour/breech babies/and something else I can't remember. So yippee  I'm considered high risk, which I rail against. Not that I'm ungrateful for them wanting to keep an extra eye on me, but I know that higher intervention comes with it  I *have* to be under the care of an OB this time round but she is ultra-conservative, the type to just do *stuff* because she can, and offers it as peace of mind, not because it's really needed, KWIM? I had a doppler scan to check the umbilical flow recently and that came out fine. I have to have another one on Wed to check again though. As long as everything is hunky dory with that, and baby stays head down which she is at the moment, then it's all good. I have gotten my confidence back bit by bit through this pregnancy. I went from feeling like I was on a runaway train at the beginning, to actually being able to call the shots a little more and bring it back under my control. I refused the polycose and 2nd antenatal blood tests because I just don't need them, and told my MW today that I am going to be aiming for a homebirth again with Lorelai. She is fine with this (has done all 3 of my babes) but said the OB wouldn't be happy  of course she won't, she's in the medical profession LOL. She doesn't even approve of waterbirth  Also wants to induce me two weeks early to stop me going into preterm labour. HUH????????? How does making it happen, stop it??? LOL. Sorry lady, not gonna happen. Along with being tied down to continual monitoring. I probably sound a little wacky and schoolgirlish, but I know what I need for my optimal birth, and while I will absolutely go into hospital should it be truly needed, I don't want to *just because*. Lorelai deserves a decent crack at a birth without unnecessary interventions. And so do I. I want water, and I want my own relaxing environment. As I told my MW today, I KNOW that if I walk into the hospital in labour, the smell of that sterile place is going to psyche me out and slow my labour down, and I know what will happen after that! Wow what a ramble! Well done for getting this far, lol. But this has been going round and round in my head for weeks! I felt so despondent at feeling I *had* to birth in hospital this time round because of what happened to Darien, but having at least a chance to aim for a homebirth makes me feel so much more positive about the birth. That's if she stays head down like she is now, anyway. If she goes breech like my first two were until the last week, then all bets are off LOL. Telling an OB you want a vaginal breech birth after a stillbirth?? Priceless 
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:05 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
And a pic of me at almost 27 weeks   I got asked how many days I had left to go the other week 
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:08 pm |
Julia's Mum
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:08 pm Posts: 1708 Location: Rotorua
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Jessie first off you look great sweetie. Wow your update sure makes for interesting reading. Good on you for sticking to your guns and wanting what you want for your birth. If I didnt have all of my problems and the fact that with any consequteive(sp) pregnancy it would be the same I would have had a natural delivery, it was just that I dont think I could have handled having to go through all of those blood tests and scans again.
I look forward to reading more of your updates as you get closer to delivering your precious wee girl

Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:18 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Thanks Carley  It turned into a bit more of a rant than I expected, but it's good to put all my worries into words and process them. ETA: I hope I don't imply with my posts that anyone who decides differently is doing the *wrong* thing, please don't think that for a second! Our situations are all so different, there's no one thing that fits everyone ay? I just know that for me, HB is what fits best, as long as everything goes well. Any sign of trouble and I'm straight into hospy I have my second growth/doppler scan tomorrow, hopefully it's really uneventful. I'm happy to make use of the non-invasive stuff if it means we can tell Lorelai is safe and well. She's certainly making herself known tonight, kicking up a storm because mummy had icecream 
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:44 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:10 pm Posts: 224
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
wow, yes it did make for interesting reading!! lol Its great you have the confidence to aim for a HB. My first labour with my daughter was full of most interventions (despite my desire for a natural birth). I wanted a HB with Ezra but i think id be too scared to try next time, its a shame really that my fear would affect me like that but your right we are all different. Im stil strggling to get the courage to TTC this month...its a tough road ahead but its so reassuring seeing you wonderful ladies getting through. So Glad your doing well...GO THE HOME BIRTH 
Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:12 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Thanks Debs  Through this pregnancy I have gone from being absolutely sure I would birth in hospital as I was scared of a repeat performance of last time, to 'not so sure', to gaining confidence to raise questions and gradually make decisions about it for us both. You're right, it is a tough road ahead with TTC also, it takes a lot of guts for us angel mummies! Good luck to you 
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:21 pm |
Site Admin
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:01 pm Posts: 1689 Location: Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Wow Jessie, you are such an inspiration. I went for all the monitoring after losing Trinity and being induced 2 weeks early for peace of mind, which I'm still kind of glad I did even though it was unnessesary. I always wanted a water birth but never really was up for a home birth, but the more I read about it the more I wish I was courageous enough. I still feel like I want another child, but not in the near future, maybe when the kids are in or near to going to school. I've already decided that if I do, I won't be finding out the gender, I won't be going for an early induction, I would love to have a water birth (I mean REALLY REALLY want one), I'm still not sure about home birth, but hey, I've got years beofre it'll happen anyway, so a while to get my head around it. I'm still hoping I don't want another one just to achieve my ideal birth, I don't think so, but again, I've got a while to figure it out. If we decide not to then I think I'm going to need some kind of councelling, because I wasn't prepared for Gabe to be my last, I was just concentrating on getting him here iykwim, anyway, sorry for the thread jack......... You are looking fab, nice belly, looks like I did with both girls  I'm starting to think there's something in it when they say you put on more weight and are rounder with girls, was definatly the case for me, I wasn't nearly as big with Gabe. Keep us posted with the updates, nice to hear from you. How are you going with coming up to the point where you lost Darien?
_________________ MANDA


Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:14 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 79 Location: Wellington
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Looking good Jessie. All the best for the home birth.
_________________ DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008
Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:30 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:49 pm Posts: 128 Location: West Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Manda, it's totally understandable that you wanted to be induced, considering Trinity's gestation being so close to her due date  Homebirth is definitely not for everyone, but I have to say labouring in water is DIVINE! (Did I mention I neeeeeeeeeed water?  ) I agree that getting baby into the world is our top priority however we birth Yesterday was the point we lost Darien, I was a bit cuckoo but was distracted so it wasn't too bad really. Every day after this is a gift and one step past the *milestone* of 28+4. Lorelai is doing lots of kicking, she is such an active baby and I really enjoy that - it's comforting to have your spleen pummelled I'm really having to MAKE myself take it easy now, too used to running around doing things with the kids and I'm getting exhausted. The heat doesn't make it any better- but my lovely John borrowed an aircon unit from his work and I am so thankful for it!
_________________ Jess, mum to Xander 5yrs, Emily 3yrs, and Darien stillborn at 28+4 on 16th June 08 from a Concealed Placental Abruption. Our new hope Lorelai born May 5th 09!

Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:28 pm |
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:30 pm Posts: 666
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Quote: Telling an OB you want a vaginal breech birth after a stillbirth?? Priceless Glad things are going well Jessie! Love to hear about the waterbirth at home, I wanted that... Manda, I am not ready for Aidan to be my last either. But it will have to be in a big while, with a new daddy...
my angel Chloé
Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:29 am |
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:06 pm Posts: 1455 Location: Auckland
 Re: Jessie78's pregnancy updates
Hows the pregnancy going love?
 ~*Mummy to now SIX angels ~ I miss you my babies ~
Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:34 pm |
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