Hey guys.
As far as I can tell it went fine! They didn't say anything to me so I guess all went as it should. So far I have very little if any bleeding which is great and I'm not in any pain at all. Emotionally I'm doing ok. Got really sad at the hospital yesterday. Especially when one of the nurses was asking me about all my past hospital experiences and when I said I had a baby in april she asked who was looking after him!!

She felt so bad afterwards and I was balling my eyes out.
Anyway I must say that considering it's an awful thing to have to go through it was actually a pretty cruzy experience for me. Meaning that because I'm not in pain and have hardly any bleeding it's very different to when I had Drey and had sore and leaking boobs, sore nether regions due to the tear, lots of bleeding, and a broken heart. Still if I never have to go through this ever again I will be forever greatful!!
Much love to you all for your comments!!