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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 79 Location: Wellington
 Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Hi lovely ladies,
Just thought that I would give you all an update on where I am at with this pregnancy. I thought that I would write it in a diary format and then when the little one is old enough they will be able to read all about it… Sorry that it is such a novel.
3rd March 2009 (3 weeks, 1 day) DH made me do a pregnancy test today. Of course, being only nine days post ovulation, it was negative. I don’t have much hope for this cycle now.
6th March 2009 (3 weeks, 4 days) Mum and Dad arrive in Wellington today. They are here for just over a week. This weekend we plan to go over to Martinborough to relax and of course, we will drink plenty of wine while we are over there.
7th March 2009 (3 weeks, 5 days) We leave for Martinborough this morning. I’m thirteen days post ovulation so test again first thing. A faint line appears in the test window so it looks like I’m pregnant! We share the good news with my parents. DH and I buy a couple more pregnancy tests while over in Martinborough just to make sure!
11th March 2009 (4 weeks, 2 days) Dad’s birthday! I’m off to the doctor today to confirm my pregnancy. I’m given a form for a blood test which I get done straight away. My initial HCG level is 296.
17th March 2009 (5 weeks, 1 day) Another week, another blood test. This time my HCG level is 3,896. Looks like the numbers are going in the right direction!
25th March 2009 (6 weeks, 2 days) One more blood test just to check that things are still going well. My HCG level is now 40,763. Today I also meet with my midwife, Fiona. She is really lovely. We go through my past medical and obstetric history. Fiona is away on holiday for the next month, so here is hoping for a quiet month.
29th March 2009 (6 weeks, 6 days) DH and I leave for a week in Sydney today. I’m a bit anxious about going away while I’m pregnant but fingers crossed that the pregnancy keeps going strong.
9th April 2009 (8 weeks, 3 days) Once at work, I start bleeding. A quick call to the back-up midwife and I’m booked in for a scan. DH comes out to work to pick me up. Not long after that, we are looking at our beautiful little baby. Just one baby tucked up safe and sound inside my uterus which is a relief.
20th April 2009 (10 weeks) Another early morning bleed and another trip for a scan. Thankfully, everything is alright with our baby. This little one has no idea of the stress that I am going through!!!
21st April 2009 (10 weeks, 1 day) I arrive at work and know that something isn’t right. A trip to the toilet confirms this, while sitting on the toilet, I must have lost about half a litre of blood. This time, DH picks me up and we drive to Wellington hospital. I have a scan and baby is completely oblivious to everything that is going on. I also have an internal exam and my cervix is looking nice and closed so I’m diagnosed with a “threatened miscarriage” and told to take a week off work and relax.
27th April (11 weeks) I have a scan this afternoon. Hello, healthy little baby! I will start work again tomorrow.
5th May 2009 (12 weeks, 1 day) Today, DH and I are heading to Pacific Radiology for our nuchal translucency scan. Baby is looking really good with a fetal heart rate of 156 bpm and a CRL of 5.5 cm. My nuchal translucency is risk approximately 1:15,611 – so everything is going great!
6th May 2009 (12 weeks, 2 days) I meet with my midwife this afternoon. Boy, has she missed all of the action! I fill her in on what has been going on. I also get to hear baby’s heart beat on the Doppler.
15th May 2009 (13 weeks, 4 days) Off to the hospital this morning. I was supposed to be having my cerclage placed today in addition to having a scan but unfortunately the paperwork wasn’t filed properly. So that means I’m having my scan this morning and the cerclage will be placed on Tuesday next week. I get an external scan and baby is looking lovely. DH then asked if they can take a look at the length of my cervix? The sonographer pulls a face and says “well, they haven’t asked for it to be done”. Grrrr. Away she goes and then comes back with the internal probe. It shows that my cervix is measuring 3.7 cm but more importantly, that I am starting to dilate! I can’t believe it, I’m not even 14 weeks. I’m asked to wait in the waiting room while my specialist checks the results of my scan. Not long afterwards, DH and I are taken to a consultation room. My specialist comes in and tells us that I’m going to get my cerclage put in straight away. I’m heading for surgery by 9.30am.
16th May 2009 (13 weeks, 5 days) After a good nights sleep, I wake up in hospital feeling a lot better. I’m discharged this morning with some antibiotics and some drugs to keep any contractions at bay. I’m off work for another week or so with a scan and follow-up appointment on Tuesday the 26th.
22nd May 2009 (14 weeks, 4 days) I’m having my follow-up scan today because there are no free spaces next week. Once again, baby is completely oblivious to everything that has been going on. You can clearly see the clerclage that the specialist has stitched and the other good news is that my cervix has increased in length – now measuring over 5 cms!
26th May 2009 (15 weeks, 1 day) Today, I have my follow-up appointment with my specialist. He confirms that everything is looking good and I can return to work if that is what I want to do. At this stage, I’m thinking of doing four days a week and will see how that works out. Another scan is booked, which will take place in a fortnight. I’ve decided to set goals for myself in an attempt to make time go faster. The first, 20 weeks because that will mean that I’m halfway through my pregnancy. Then 24 weeks because theoretically, baby is able to survive outside the uterus if they were born then. Next, 30 weeks because it is a lovely round number and finally 34 weeks. If baby wants to come anytime after 34 weeks, then that is absolutely fine with me!
_________________ DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008
Tue May 26, 2009 5:33 pm |
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:59 am Posts: 118
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
I have to say Angela, that was some pretty scary reading, I was on the edge of my seat!  Thank god everythings ok. I have been wondering how you've been getting on. Cant believe you're 15 weeks already!!! Keep the updates coming!
Tue May 26, 2009 8:24 pm |
GG's Mum
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:04 pm Posts: 740 Location: Dunedin
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
I think I held my breath a few times there!! Wow, keep the updates coming.
_________________ Tracey

Tue May 26, 2009 9:17 pm |
Julia's Mum
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:08 pm Posts: 1708 Location: Rotorua
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
I'm with Leonie and Tracy!!  Glad that bubs has decided to behave itself and stop giving you such a hard time. Look forward to reading more of your updates.

Tue May 26, 2009 9:30 pm |
Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:03 pm Posts: 528 Location: Christchurch
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Wow, that is amazing reading ... and yes, I was on the edge of my seat too! Glad to hear that everything is tracking along!!
_________________ Tanya

Tue May 26, 2009 9:42 pm |
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:30 pm Posts: 256
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Was indeed a bit scary at times!! Sounds like all is going well now though!
Wed May 27, 2009 11:32 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 79 Location: Wellington
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Thanks for all the support. Hopefully, an eventful start to my pregnancy means an uneventful next few months. Lol….
_________________ DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008
Wed May 27, 2009 8:45 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:10 pm Posts: 224
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Yay you've finally started your pregnancy diary! Now i wont have to hound you for updates!!  I was holding my breath and i already knew most of that, but it stil scares me to read it! Glad the last few weeks have been more settled  As the others have said keep the updates coming
Wed May 27, 2009 11:55 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:17 pm Posts: 79 Location: Wellington
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Hi all, I hope that everyone is doing well. Just realised that I had better come back and update everyone with the happy ending to my pregnancy story…. On the 16th of November 2009, I gave birth to my beautiful little girl, Katelyn Jayne. She looks so very similar to her brother Blake and I love her so very, very much. I’ve tried to attach a couple of photos but apparently the file is invalid”. 
_________________ DS, Blake John, S/B October 2008
Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:31 pm |
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:30 pm Posts: 256
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary
Yay! Welcome Katelyn!
Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:00 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:18 am Posts: 449
 Re: Angela’s Pregnancy Diary

Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:21 am |
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