Re: So sad and empty, will it ever get better??
Hmmmm I literally looked through all the Melanie Jones' and there are hundreds of you, and didn't see a profile pic with Jaxon's foot! Do you want to try finding me again? My profile pic is me and my daughter and I am wearing a grey cardi and she is wearing a yellow top and a yellow flower headband

That's awesome that you are managing to sleep better and with no help. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I think I had my obstetrician appointment about 5 weeks after Dreyton was born. They told me it would be 6 weeks but it was definitely sooner than that. But I guess it depends on how busy they are etc and by the sounds of it the obstetricians in your town will be quite busy with these kinds of appointments.
Do you have a good relationship with your midwife? It sounds like she is being supportive and the fact that you are still seeing her is nice. I remember not wanting my midwife to stop coming to see me because she was a connection I had to my son that no-one else could give me. I'm lucky that being a midwifery student I get to see her out in the hospital etc occasionally which is cool. They never forget or angels either! Some people don't want to see the midwife again of course because it's too painful.
Anyway hope we figure this fb thing out!!!!!